Warshauer Woodward Atkins Spurs Donations for Second Helpings Atlanta

River Feast Raises $49,000 for Second Helpings Atlanta
On a beautiful fall evening on the banks of the Chattahoochee River at the home of Second Helpings Atlanta Board Member Lyle Warshauer, more than 70 guests enjoyed SHA’s first River Feast, an elegant fundraiser. A lively cocktail party was followed by an exquisite sit-down dinner, where Executive Chef Matt Marcus of Atlanta’s renowned Watershed Restaurant shared his superb take on Southern Cuisine. Jazz pianist Joe Alterman and Kevin Smith on the bass provided live entertainment. The evening would not have been possible without the support of these generous supporters:
“Coming together around the table is one of the best ways to share Second Helpings Atlanta’s story and our dreams for growth,” said Sheri Labovitz, SHA’s President who designed this inaugural River Feast. “This was a grand way to raise awareness – and more than $49,000 for our magnificent organization!”