Accepting Personal Injury
Cases in Atlanta
“My referral fee was more than 150 times higher…” Robert A. Freyre
Relationships are the foundation of our law practice. We value all our relationships whether they are with clients, expert witnesses, vendors, or other attorneys. Each is unique and special to us. The relationship we have with other attorneys brings value in many ways. It is why we intentionally cultivate them. Attorneys refer cases to us based on our unique qualifications and experience in catastrophic injury and medical malpractice. We return the favor when we are approached with a case that doesn’t fit our practice. Please contact us using the form on this page if you have a catastrophic injury, medical malpractice, wrongful death, or defective product case you would like to discuss. You’ll benefit from extensive experience, much of it at the Federal level as co-counsel.
Our referral program has three levels and within each there is some variability depending on risk and potential return.
- Level One – this is the classic referral situation where you send the case, do no work, have no expense exposure, and we do all the work and take all the risks. When we’re finished, you receive a check.
- Level Two – this is a hybrid referral where referring counsel stays involved and shares in the work and expenses. We are lead counsel. Typically the fee is the same as the sharing of expenses. For example, if the work is 50/50 and the expenses are 50/50 the fee will be 50/50.
- Level Three – we act as “senior counsel” and the referring lawyer does most of the work and assumes all the costs exposure. We are not lead counsel, but we review strategy, experts, depos, motions, etc. as might a senior partner. Think of our percentage as a near reverse of Level One.
Over the years, we’ve recovered tens of millions of dollars on behalf of clients by aggressively advocating on behalf of the seriously injured. We provide a well-rounded approach to each client’s case, meticulously examining every detail and truly leaving no stone unturned. We know you’re placing your trust in us by recommending our firm and we will not let you or the client down.
Submit the form below or give us a call at +1 (404) 334-3626; we are always looking to build new relationships!