Frequently AskedQuestions
Answered by a Skilled Atlanta Personal Injury Attorney Team
This page features answers to some of the questions most frequently asked of our attorneys by clients. If you have a question that is not addressed below, simply contact Warshauer Woodward Atkins to get more information from one of our trusted Atlanta personal injury lawyers, or our staff physician in a free evaluation. With experience representing innocent victims of car, truck or motorcycle accidents, medical malpractice, and defective consumer products or medical devices, the trusted and ethical attorneys of Warshauer Woodward Atkins can successfully handle even the most complex cases.
The Warshauer Woodward Atkins accepts cases on a contingency fee basis under a written contract of representation. This means that the cost of handling your case will be incurred by our firm. Upon resolution of your personal injury case, attorney fees will be deducted from your total award. Those fees are clearly defined in our contract with you, should we agree to represent you in your legal action.
The attorneys at our law firm represent people who have suffered catastrophic injuries due to the negligence of another party, and families who have experienced the pain of the wrongful death of a loved one due to a situation that could or should have been prevented.
In addition to wrongful death cases, we represent people with SERIOUS personal injuries, including but not limited to:
- Permanent Spinal Cord Damage
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Amputations
- Serious Bodily Disfigurement
- A Long-Term or Lasting Disability That Will Not Improve Over Time
- Severe Burns, Puncture Wounds or Lacerations
- Severely Limited or Diminished Mobility
- Irreversible Physical or Mental Damage
- Serious Injuries From A Defective Medical Device or Surgical Implant
- A Negative Life-Altering Change Following a Hospitalization or Surgery
- Injuries That Would Be Considered “Catastrophic”
The majority of personal injury cases do not go to trial; in fact, statistics show that 90 percent of civil claims are settled before they ever go to trial. Although our Atlanta personal injury lawyers have had great success obtaining favorable settlements for our clients, we are not afraid to file suit and take a case to court. Our aggressive representation enables us to achieve excellent results both in and out of court.
Most personal injury claims must be filed within a set period of time, usually dependent upon the location in which the injury or accident occurred. The time period is typically determined by each state’s statute of limitations laws. Each case is different and it is always important to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney to determine the specific deadline which will apply to your case.
An attorney cannot make promises regarding compensation in personal injury cases. If you suspect you have a viable lawsuit, the best you thing you can do is consult one of our experienced Georgia personal injury attorneys for a case evaluation. A lawyer can review the specifics of your claim to determine whether you may have a valid case. If you suspect you have a valid case, our Atlanta, Georgia, civil justice lawyers can advise you as to whether you should move forward with your case.
A personal injury attorney who is well-versed in the laws surrounding personal injury claims and has court experience can increase your chances of obtaining a favorable settlement or verdict. In addition to confirming that you have a case, a lawyer can advise you of your legal options, determine whether a case should be filed, whether an offer should be accepted, and evaluate all of the complicated legal aspects of your case.