Michael Warshauer Awarded for Outstanding Achievement on Behalf of Trial Lawyers

Michael Warshauer Awarded for Outstanding Achievement on Behalf of Trial Lawyers
Mar 27, 2020

We would like to recognize Michael Warshauer and congratulate him on being one of the most accomplished American Association for Justice (AAJ) Board Members. AAJ members strive to create a fair and effective justice system. Michael Warshauer surpasses the demands related to membership and fundraising, working tirelessly to protect the right to a trial by jury and strengthening our civil justice system.

What Michael Stands For

Michael Warshauer is a model example of an AAJ member and a leader in the trial lawyer community. He donates his time, assistance, energy, vision and money to create an equal civil justice system for everybody. As such, Michael Warshauer has been presented with an award for Outstanding Achievement in 2019.
