Liability in Atlanta Testing Error Cases
Healthcare professionals have a responsibility to provide reliable care, but they can occasionally make mistakes. The slightest error could cause a patient to suffer permanent or long-term damages.
If you were injured due to a testing error, you may be eligible to recover compensation for your injuries and damages. In order to recover damages, you must be able to prove negligence. The lawyers at Warshauer Woodward Atkins could help you understand the importance of proving liability in Atlanta testing error cases. Speak with a skilled testing error attorney to discuss your case and what is needed to prove liability.
Proving Negligence and Liability in Inadequate Testing Claims
In all medical malpractice cases, the injured party must prove the doctor was negligent. There are four main components involved in proving liability. An attorney must demonstrate the following:
- The medical provider had a duty of care to the patient;
- There was a breach of that duty;
- There is a causal connection between the breach and the injury; and
- The injured party has suffered damages.
Patients cannot file a medical malpractice claim solely because a testing error occurred. If the filing parties cannot prove a breach of duty directly caused their injuries and damages, they do not have a valid claim. A nearby testing error attorney could demonstrate all key components of liability in a patient’s case
Potential Negligent Parties in a Testing Error Case
Any medical provider who has deviated from the standard of care and caused an injury to the patient could be held responsible for a testing error. This includes medical facilities, physicians, nurses, lab personnel, or secretaries.
Notifying At-Fault Parties
Anyone who is named as a negligent party in a testing error claim must be made aware of the lawsuit. This allows the medical provider to obtain legal counsel and file a response. Any patient who has experienced a testing error may benefit from retaining a local attorney who could identify negligent parties and notify them of the lawsuit.
Potential Obstacles to Proving Fault in a Medical Malpractice Case
There are many people involved in the testing process, which can make it difficult to file a claim. The doctor who orders the test, the nurse or technician who administers it, and the lab worker who interprets the results could all be responsible for an error. It is important to name all liable parties in an inadequate testing claim before filing.
Gathering Evidence
Gathering evidence can be difficult when there are many people involved in a testing error. Sloppy reporting or documentation among the medical staff could cause someone to have trouble identifying who the liable parties are.
Signing a Consent Form
Healthcare professionals often require patients to sign consent forms before performing medical tests. They use these documents to limit their liability for errors. However, no one can consent to inadequate testing that was negligent.
Individuals are not prohibited from filing a claim if they signed a consent form. A skilled lawyer in the area could anticipate these types of obstacles while working on a patient’s testing error case.
Speak with an Attorney to Discuss Liability in Atlanta Testing Error Cases
Medical malpractice cases can be complex, especially when there are several liable parties involved. Attempting to prove fault on your own could hinder your chances at receiving just compensation. Reach out to a lawyer today to discuss liability in Atlanta testing error cases.