Lyle Griffin Warshauer Shares Her Thoughts On Professionalism Post Statewide Judicial Emergency Order

In September, our own Lyle Griffin Warshauer, was invited to participate on the Practitioners Panel for the Chief Justice’s Commission on Professionalism Seminar “Professionalism After the Statewide Judicial Emergency Order.” The Order, declared by Chief Justice Harold D. Melton in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, completely altered court operations and put a pause on jury trials for over a year. The panel included members of both the civil and criminal bars. During Lyle’s remarks, she was able to reflect on the challenges imposed on her practice as a trial attorney as well as the pressures she had as President of the Georgia Trial Lawyers Association during this period. Despite concerns about how practitioners would handle the inevitable court delays, Lyle expressed her appreciation that the plaintiffs and defense bars had come together to come up with solutions to move cases forward during the shut-down.