Atlanta Blood Clot Malpractice Settlements
If you are interested in seeking recovery for the damages caused by a blood clot, a settlement for an Atlanta medical malpractice case could help you do just that. The arduous time and effort required for a trial may not suit your needs, so consider all your options by reaching out to a team of attorneys who are able to focus on your needs, gather evidence for your case, and present all relevant findings with cutting-edge courtroom technology.
Medical Malpractice Settlement Process
The process of settling a medical malpractice case involves both sides willing to negotiate a settlement of the case. Sometimes it is done between the attorneys for both sides negotiating back and forth. Sometimes the parties employ the services of a neutral third party like a mediator or an arbitrator. That person could help the parties see if they could reach an amount of money that is suitable for all sides. In a civil lawsuit, the only type of settlement that could be reached is for monetary damages. That is how the system is setup. It is usually negotiation for an amount to compensate the injured patient.
Altering Factors
There are factors that alter how a case is settled. They are case-specific and depend on what is going on in the case. Generally, the degree to which the facts are in dispute could be one of the factors. If it is a disputed case in terms of what actually happened, those cases could be more difficult to settle. If everyone agrees on what happened, it might make it a little easier to settle. The parties and the personalities involved are additional factors as is the degree of damages, like how hurt the patient was or what the degree of pain and suffering was. A big factor could often be when the settlement discussions take place. Is it early in the case? Is it the day before the trial starts? Those could all be factors that play into a settlement for an Atlanta blood clot malpractice case.
How Often to Atlanta Blood Clot Malpractice Cases Settle?
The majority of Atlanta blood clot malpractice cases are settled. Attorneys prepare every case for trial with the belief that they want to be sure that if the case goes to trial, they present their very best case. If the case is prepared to try, it would usually settle for the most compensation available. To better their odds of a favorable outcome, attorneys often choose to work with an in-house medical professional who could give expert witness testimony.
Benefits of Negotiations as Opposed to Trials
There are benefits to settling a case rather than going to trial. One of the benefits is that trials could be emotionally taxing on people. Being the alleged victim of malpractice, whether it happens to a person or whether it happens to a family member, could be exceptionally emotionally taxing. Having to relive that in the courtroom could be difficult. Settling a case could avoid that trial, which could oftentimes go two weeks or more. Also, settling a case is the only time that the parties have the power to conclude the case. If it goes to trial, a jury is going to determine what happens. Prior to trial, a judge could determine whether or not the case goes forward. At a settlement, the parties have an opportunity to in the case on their terms. If both sides could agree to an amount that is acceptable, then they have the control to say it is sufficient and end the case.
Potential Problems When Mediating a Case
The biggest problem people face when settling is that these are very emotional circumstances. When talking about the wrongful death of a loved one due to a blood clot in Atlanta, settlements for medical malpractice cannot produce an amount of money that could bring that person back. When talking about an amount of money to settle a case, people have a hard time with that because there is not enough money to make it right. Similarly, when somebody has been injured due to a blood clot, there is not enough money to make them forget the pain that they went through or how it changed their life. The reality is that money is what the civil process has to offer, so a big problem that people have is trying to appropriately value their case on what is an appropriate amount of money to settle.
What should be taken into consideration before deciding whether or not to settle a blood clot medical malpractice case is a realistic assessment of the strength of the case, of the weaknesses of the case, and what the likelihood of success at trial is. Those are significant factors to take into consideration. Also, there is the time and expense involved in going to trial, he emotional cost, and whether any amount offered to settle the case could be sufficient to compensate the person with their injuries.
Connect Directly with an Attorney
Deciding on a settlement for an Atlanta blood clot malpractice case could be a choice that leads you to a favorable resolution and away from the heartache of a trial. Trials often force victims or surviving family members to relive the trauma caused by an injury. Because of this, you should consider all the available options for you. Do so with a lawyer. Call today to speak to an attorney who takes calls after hours. Your case review is free and lawyers are able to speak directly to you.