Savannah Failure to Diagnose Lawyer
When you see a doctor or medical professional, you expect him or her to help you understand your condition and explain ways to treat it. When a doctor fails to properly diagnose a condition or injury, the actual condition may worsen, lead to an infection, or cause a subsequent injury to appear. Under such circumstances, it may be in a victim’s best interest to seek help from an experienced attorney.
In Georgia, medical professionals have a legal duty to exercise reasonable care and skill when treating patients. If you were injured by a doctor’s negligence, calling a compassionate Savannah failure to diagnose lawyer to discuss seeking compensation might improve your chances of success in court.
How a Doctor May Improperly Diagnose a Condition
There are a number of reasons why a doctor may fail to make a proper diagnosis. From not ordering proper laboratory tests to not conducting a thorough medical examination, various actions and inactions could constitute improper care.
Whether these mistakes are due to an overworked doctor or the lack of communication between a healthcare team, a victim of a doctor’s neglect should not have to endure the resulting damages alone. By calling a hardworking Savannah failure to diagnose attorney, an injured person could take action against a wrongdoer and request compensation.
The Process of a Failure to Diagnose Claim
According to Georgia law, there are three essential elements in a malpractice case. These elements include:
- The duty inherent in the doctor-patient relationship;
- A breach of that duty by failing to exercise the requisite degree of skill and care; and
- This failure being the proximate cause of the injury sustained.
Put simply, when a doctor fails to make a diagnosis, he or she can be held liable for the subsequent damages. To prove malpractice, however, a victim must prove each of the legal elements based on a “preponderance of the evidence.” Essentially, a preponderance of the evidence is a legal term—as defined by O.C.G.A. §24-1-1—meaning that the available evidence is enough to generally sway a reasonable and impartial person. It is often said to be more likely than not.
For a claim to be successful, it is important to consider why a doctor failed to properly make a diagnosis, as well as calculate the resulting impact and injuries. Because a doctor’s failure to diagnose can lead to extended recovery time or a worsening condition, a victim in Savannah could benefit from a proactive lawyer’s aid.
Failure to Diagnose Cancer
While modern medicine and surgical techniques may help treat cancer, a doctor properly diagnosing this condition at an early stage may greatly improve a person’s prognosis. However, doctors can easily miss early signs of cancer by:
- Failing to conduct annual checks;
- Neglecting to conduct routine lab tests;
- Not following up on abnormal test results;
- Failing to connect certain symptoms to their root cause of cancer; or
- Utilizing improper testing methods.
Speak with a Savannah Failure to Diagnose Attorney
If you believe your doctor failed to make an accurate and timely diagnosis of your condition, consider contacting a Savannah failure to diagnose lawyer to discuss your legal options. Navigating the legal system alone can prove difficult if you are underprepared and underrepresented.
Our team of dedicated attorneys could work to address your needs and guide you through each step of the legal process as you seek compensation. By using state-of-the-art technology for courtroom presentations and an in-house doctor for personalized medical insight, we may be able to help you succeed in court. To schedule a free case review and begin building your case, call today.