Filing a Medical Malpractice Claim in Alpharetta
If you have suffered due to a doctor’s error or negligence, you may have grounds for a medical malpractice claim. Filing a medical malpractice claim in Alpharetta is a complex process, but an experienced attorney could handle the details while you focus on recovery.
Malpractice victims deserve representation by a skilled, compassionate team of lawyers who understand the law. Call today to schedule a free case review.
Medical Malpractice Claim Process
The attorney first drafts a medical malpractice lawsuit, which is a document filed with the court outlining the who, what, when, where, and why of the case. It identifies the at-fault party and the victim. The lawsuit details what happened, what went wrong, and how the events caused the victim’s injury. Filing a medical malpractice claim in Alpharetta involves:
- Reviewing the records,
- Understanding the negligence,
- Identifying deviations from the standard of care, and
- Explaining how it harmed the patient.
Georgia also requires an affidavit from an expert, which is attached to the lawsuit. The filing fees are paid when the lawsuit is filed. The victim does not participate in the mechanics of the claim filing process, instead they give the attorney information and answer questions related to the paperwork.
Common Mistakes in Medical Malpractice Lawsuits
A patient should always follow his or her doctor’s orders, and failure to do so can kill a malpractice case. Juries usually focus on the fact that if the patient listened to the doctor, the outcome would have been better. If a victim thinks the doctor’s orders are inappropriate, they should see another doctor who can provide the care they need.
Another case-killer is when a client is untruthful. An attorney can deal with anything, in most cases, if they know about it. When an issue arises on the witness stand, however, that is not a good situation. Attorney-client privilege exists for a reason. Victims must be honest and complete with their attorneys so the attorneys can take care of them.
Importance of Hiring a Medical Malpractice Attorney
It is important to retain a medical malpractice litigation attorney when filing a medical malpractice claim in Alpharetta because the nuances in Georgia law could lead to a dismissal. For example, there are time limits. An individual has two years from the date of malpractice to file a medical malpractice lawsuit. When the case involves an emergency room, the plaintiff has a higher burden to demonstrate. It is critical that an individual has a lawyer who knows and understands the law and has the experience to successfully pursue these cases.
Added Benefits of an Alpharetta Medical Malpractice Attorney
An attorney may advise someone that they do not have a case of malpractice and help them understand why something happened. Sometimes, the why is not because someone did something wrong. Some medical outcomes happen despite the doctor’s best efforts. For example, if the issue occurred because of equipment malfunction, the doctor may not have done anything wrong. Instead, the victim might have a product liability case. Often, when the attorney does not take a case or does not believe there was negligence, they can give patients and families a better understanding of why something happened and give them some peace.
If you believe you have a medical malpractice case, you should call an experienced malpractice lawyer. Because there are deadlines involved in filing a medical malpractice claim in Alpharetta, you should schedule a case review as soon as possible. A team of seasoned lawyers on the cutting-edge of courtroom technology could address your needs and fight for the compensation you deserve.