Atlanta Labor and Delivery Error Lawyer

Families in Atlanta look forward to the birth of a child as an exciting and joyful time in their lives. If medical mistakes occur during labor or delivery, however, joy can quickly turn to heartache.

When a lack of adequate care results in serious injury to a mother or child, those responsible for the harm should be held accountable. An Atlanta labor and delivery error lawyer could help investigate to determine the cause of injuries and explain options for recovery. Compensation awarded in a successful civil suit cannot erase the mistakes of the past but could help provide justice and support for the future.

With the help of a dedicated in-house medical professional with years of experience, attorneys could pinpoint errors caused by negligence and hold responsible parties accountable in court or during settlement talks. To bolster a victim’s chances of a successful outcome further, attorneys often utilize cutting-edge technology while building cases.

Liability for Labor and Delivery Errors

Not all medical emergencies during labor and childbirth are caused by medical mistakes. However, hospitals often pressure their medical professionals to rush through examinations and procedures, and this rushed approach can encourage unacceptable behaviors. When a doctor or other provider fails to care for patients using reasonable practices and that failure causes harm, all those connected may potentially be held liable.

In labor and delivery situations, professionals are expected to monitor for signs of fetal distress and react appropriately when these signs appear. A doctor or labor and delivery nurse could be considered negligent for failing to recognize a dire problem, neglecting to watch for a problem, or not taking reasonable measures to address a problem.  An experienced labor and delivery error lawyer in Atlanta could acquire and examine evidence such as fetal heart strips and delivery room records to determine whether medical professionals acted negligently.

Recoverable Losses After Childbirth Injuries

There are a number of potentially negligence-stemming injuries that might arise during a delivery. In many cases, birth injuries are caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain during labor and delivery.  These injuries may have lifelong consequences that require extensive and expensive medical care. Both mothers and infants may suffer injuries with devastating effects such as paralysis, cerebral palsy, Erb’s palsy, brain damage, and fractures.

An Atlanta labor and delivery attorney could work to obtain compensation to offset some of the now-necessary medical expenses that stem from negligent acts. In fact, a monetary award may be provided for economic losses as well as intangible effects with no financial equivalent. Damages could cover factors such as:

  • Cost of caregivers
  • Hospital and doctors’ bills
  • Anticipated medical needs in the future
  • Special equipment or modifications to the home
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional anguish
  • Loss of earning capacity

An experienced lawyer could calculate a reasonable value for each factor based on legal precedent. This amount provides a basis to evaluate the adequacy of settlement offers. If a labor and delivery room error results in an untimely death, family members may bring a wrongful death claim for recovery.

Consult an Atlanta Labor and Delivery Error Attorney

Sometimes, the effects of labor and delivery room errors are not immediately apparent. If you notice that your child is not meeting developmental milestones, it may be time to investigate the cause.

An Atlanta labor and delivery error lawyer could work with experts to show how a medical professional’s failure to provide proper care caused injuries to a child or mother. Working with a medical malpractice attorney cannot undo damage already suffered. However, an experienced legal advocate could help you find answers and obtain compensation to provide for care that will be needed in the future. To discuss your case with a dedicated injury lawyer who takes calls after hours, call now for a free consultation.